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Frequently asked Questions about...

Image by Lars Kuczynski

At one time or another, each of us has a sense that life offers something more than the options currently before us. Often, we want to make changes, without noticing that our efforts take place within the same framework or thinking that gave rise to the present situation.


At such times, many seek a fundamental shift, a transformation to new ways of seeing, thinking and being in the situations of our lives.


You might have many reasons for taking the Breaking Through Workshops:


· To boost your performance

· To be coached in what you cannot yet see

· To get in touch with what really matters to you

· To gain a fresh perspective or insight to your more basic concerns

· To rekindle a spark of vitality and enjoyment of life

· To create a future that’s different from the way it seems likely to be

· To make a contribution that you have yet to make

· To experience the kind of breakthroughs you saw in someone else who took the Breaking Through…


Whatever your reasons to enroll, the Breaking Through workshops provides a stimulating and nurturing environment in which to craft a life that you treasure and love.


If you find yourself with commitments that seem too large to fulfill, with a vision for your life beyond what it already provides, or if you’re simply wondering whether there might not be more available…

Why should I take
Breaking Through?

Breaking Through is for you.

What results does it produce?

Breaking Through serves as a critical tool of intervention, enabling you to be, think and act in ways that alter the course of your life and the history of your larger community. You will gain a new freedom to set aside assumptions that restrict what is possible, and generate a vision consistent with your heartfelt values, commitments, and intent. Participants in Cushman Coaching and Consulting (CCC) workshops generate a wide range of benefits in all areas of their lives, and particularly in:

Image by Joe Yates


In Breaking Through, you will open yourself to a trust and vulnerability that allows for genuine intimacy in all areas of life. You will swell with appreciation and love of yourself and others and will be able to share that experience in a way that nurtures and contributes to the people closest to you, to your community and your world.

Image by Jared Erondu


Breaking Through frees you from limits of “what everyone knows” can be done and brings a new focus and momentum to the commitments you hold. As a result, your vision dramatically expands. You find opportunities and solutions that were previously unseen, and you are able to act effectively to bring the possibilities of the future into the realities of today.

Image by Marten Bjork


Our capacity for effective action is opened in those arenas where we experience having a choice, those aspects of life where we clearly have something to say. In Breaking Through you will rediscover yourself as author, the generator of your life, rather than an observer or passenger “along for the ride.”  You will strengthen your ability to declare your commitments and express them in action that forwards and delivers what you intend.

Image by Tim Marshall


Each of us longs to participate in a life that contributes powerfully to the people around us, and that leaves a lasting imprint of our vision, our creativity. We wish to express the unique gifts that we are.As your relationship with others is deepened, as our ability to accomplish is increased, and as the level and scope of your responsibility expands, you find yourself naturally eager and able to make a difference in your environment, with your family, your job and career, your community and global concerns.

Image by Ivana Cajina


What is Breaking Through?

Breaking Through is a highly focused 2 part workshop which provides an opportunity to discover and redesign the underlying assumptions from which you live life.In this workshop, you experience a profound shift in your ability to relate to yourself and others. From this shift, you are empowered to fully engage your heartfelt commitments, both personal and global with freedom and passion.


Who are our trainers or facilitators?

The women and men who lead Breaking Through are extensively trained and seasoned educators, who have distinguished themselves in a wide range of professions and fields. In addition to demonstrating high levels of accomplishment, trainers complete an internship of at least three years in mastering the principles and methods of the training.


How Much Is Breaking Through Tuition?

Tuition for the Breaking Through is $2495.00. Past participants may review the Part 1 at any time for $200.00. Tuition packages are also available for you if you are interested in our other workshops and tuition packages for companies and organizations. We are currently have a special offer where you can enroll in the next Part 1 for only $200.00 that is a $595 savings, don't miss out register NOW!

How does it work?

Behavior and actions are not spontaneous or random. Rather, life is always lived in the service of some point or commitment or belief. In other words, we are always up to something. In the ordinary course of living, these transparent beliefs form the foundation from which we think, feel, and behave. They can be self-fulfilling, self-reinforcing, as well as self-limiting. Self-fulfilling, because whatever we dwell on expands, Self-reinforcing, because the more often they come true, the more absolute they become, Self-limiting, because they cause us to process our experiences selectively in order to provide existing premises with evidence and support. The Breaking Through process is a committed environment in which to step outside the network of beliefs and assumptions – both those you inherited from your community and tradition, and those you assembled on your own – and to reveal and examine the paradigms that direct your participation in life. In this workshop, you are invited to review and revise these “navigational gears” that chart your course and direct your thinking and actions through life. As a result, you begin to open new horizons for living and relating, and to provide a possibility and a foundation for fulfillment, freedom, accomplishment, and joy.


How do I know if Breaking Through is for me?

Breaking Through is for any healthy and capable adult who is committed to moving beyond the status quo – to designing and realizing a future beyond that which would otherwise have occurred. If you suspect that something is possible beyond the options that life currently seems to present, you are invited to register in the next available workshop.



How do I register for  Breaking Through?

You can register by clicking the button below.  Payments may be made by Credit Card or PayPal. After you register, you will receive complete information about your workshop as well as confirmation of your enrollment.


What happens in the workshop?

Breaking Through is an experiential learning process – a laboratory for self discovery – in which your entire being is engaged in the work of discovery and creation. Our Breaking Through facilitators are committed to presenting the dynamics of the workshop in a way that is clear, powerful, and alive. The interactive structure of the workshop includes a series of life-altering presentations, breakthrough processes, creative interactions, and personalized coaching, focused on questions at the heart of our humanity, issues that are key to successful living.


How should I prepare for Breaking Through?

Please come to your workshop well rested and ready to engage wholeheartedly, with a genuine desire to learn and discover, a willingness to interact with and contribute to others, and an openness to being coached.Be ready to generate possibilities that cannot be imagined from your present point of view, and to invent a future beyond what is predictable from your current state of affairs.


Where are the workshops held?

The Breaking Through workshops are Virtual and held on Zoom. Contact the CCC office or visit the Upcoming Events page of our website for the dates of our next Breaking Through Workshop


What is the schedule of Breaking Through?

Part 1 – The Discovery: includes a 5 Day session -Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Evenings from 6:00 PM – Midnight. Saturday 10:30 AM – 08:00 PM and Sunday from 10:30 AM – 6:00 PM. 


Part 2 – The Breakthrough: includes a 5 Day session -Wednesday, From 6:00 PM – Midnight. Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11:00 AM – Midnight and Sunday from 11: 00 AM – 6:00 PM   

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